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How PCHE works?

How PCHE works?

Working principle:

       Printed circuit heat exchanger (PCHE) is a kind of heat exchanger in which metal plates are processed by electrochemical etching process into heat exchange plates with a certain structure, and then stacked together by diffusion welding. A tiny channel is formed between the various plates, and the working fluid flows through the tiny channel formed between the two plates. There is a partition in the middle to separate the fluid and exchange heat through the plates.


(1) Compared with shell-and-tube heat exchangers with the same heat load, the volume and weight can be reduced by up to 85%;

(2) The pressure can reach 600 bar;

(3) Unit thermal efficiency exceeds 98%;

(4) The range of extreme temperature capability ranges from low temperature to 900 ℃;

(5) It can effectively handle fluids or large temperature difference conditions caused by rapid temperature changes;

(6) In a single device, multiple media can be allowed to implement the heat exchange process;

(7) Able to achieve a small temperature difference as low as 2 ℃;

(8) A series of anti-corrosion material manufacturing equipment can be selected;

(9) No gasket (no leakage), no brazing, no tube sheet, with higher equipment integrity.